Saturday, May 05, 2007

Fake Disneyland in China

This is actually not surprised me at all. The definition of copyright is pretty loose in China, where a small different details can save them from copyright breach. I learned that first hand when a person I knew just easily copy the whole website and publish it as his own with an intentionally misspelling added here and there to proof its originality (with the fact that his English is not really good). Gotta love China...
clipped from

Not content just cranking out an endless stream of ridiculous iPhone clones or even copying the occasional car design, the brilliant knockoff artists in China decided to lay it all on the line and rip off... Disneyland. As in, the themepark. The whole thing. Park officials deny having any connection with the official characters, claiming everything in the park is an original design, but something tells us they're not being, um, completely honest. Check the read link for some more incredibly hilarious photos, including a Minnie doppelganger the park owners claim "is not a mouse" but instead "a cat with very large ears." Looks like the Meizu PR team has been working a little overtime, eh?
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